Ball.News.What happened at Dianthus Week 2022?

2022 / 31 / 03

What happened at Dianthus Week 2022?

Dianthus Week 2022 was everything and more than we were expecting!



This magnificent event took place during the week of March 7-9, in Colombia.


There, we joined with more than 9 "breeders" to show the new trends and varieties of this species worldwide.



We immersed ourselves in a few days full of knowledge and color, having more than 20 varieties of Dianthus in one place.



It was a week dedicated to celebrating the beauty and innovation of one of the most diverse varieties.


Meanwhile, we welcome the guests with an incredible decoration full of color. We had more visits from farms in Colombia, Ecuador and Central America.



As is well known, at Ball we are constantly moving forward. We have pioneered the commercialization of many varieties, including our world famous “Dianthus Green Ball”, a petalless flowering variety of Sweet Williams, with vibrant green heads.



The attendees were able to see all our lines and new colors of Dianthus Sweet, Dianthus Amazon and Dianthus Barbatus and we were able to launch the new Punky Ball and Cocoa Ball.


Punky Ball is a youthful and rebellious strain. His shaggy quills give him irresistible energy and catch the eye of those who want to take a walk on the wild side. This variety knows no limits and has higher productivity than others on the market.


Cocoa Ball is all about that vintage yet on-trend look. Its red spiked tips give it a classic aged look. It is both retro and refined, which is the perfect match for old souls who like elegance.


At Dianthus Week 2022 it was shown that "Dianthus" and "Diversity" go hand in hand.