Ball. Inspiration


“Surround yourself with flowers. Everyday ideas for everyday flowers.”


Delphinium Sunshine - A New Kind of Blues

A spray delphinium that brings a soft airness everywhere it goes. A beautiful blue that resembles the sun shining with no clouds in the sky. ☀️ Its rays reach out creating the truest hues of blue, ever-changing but always beautiful.

Delphinium Trick Hand Tied Bouquet with Intrigue Teaches

Create a Hand Tied Bouquet with Delphinium Trick using the spiral method

Fall into Floral

Welcoming a season that invites us to let go with grace, preparing to bloom even stronger. 🍂🌸 May autumn inspire a cycle of renewal and beauty in our flowers and within ourselves. Discover an array of blooms perfect for the season and get to know the ideal flowers for autumn! #MarigoldXochi #SunflowerProcutRed #AchilleaSassySummer

New Polar Bear Gyp

Discover the inspiration of the new Gypsophila Polar Bear. Large, abundant, and very white flowers. What are you waiting for to immerse yourself in this cloud!

Punky and Cocoa Ball - Fall in Love with a New Style

Dare for a rebellious look arrangement with Punky Ball or a more vintage retro, classic aged look with Cocoa Ball. What is your style?

Sunflower Bradley

An endless Sunshine

Timeless Romanticism

Get inspired by the beauty of Ball's newest Stock color Collection "Timeless Romanticism" with a color palette that takes you back to the XIX century Romantic stories and scenes. Enjoy!

Welcome to the Astonishing World of the New Polar Bear!

Step into the mesmerizing realm of the new Polar Bear! This video will immerse you in the grandeur of its massive white blooms, meeting market demands for size, abundance, and fluffiness. Let yourself be carried away by the charm of these flowers, redefining the essence of "Babysbreath" with pure elegance and natural grandeur. Get ready for an unparalleled experience filled with exquisite flowers and dazzling nature!

Afternoon tea party with flowers

Stock Chanter Rose

Ball's Measures to prevent COVID19

The difficult times we are going through made us rethink our true nature. Our workers comply with the most drastic measures in order to keep their well-beings and their families' health. All these measures guarantee the delivery of hope for everyone! This is what we are doing!

Delphinium Trick Ceremony Chair Uptie with Intrigue Teaches

Simple chair design with Delphinium Trick to maximize event's budget!

Delphinium Trick Garden Style Ceremony Chair design with Intrigue Teaches

Garden style chair design with Delphinium Trick and a great branch!

Delphinium Trick Pink Chair design Tutorial with Intrigue Teaches

Delphinium Trick Garden Chair desgin using Delphinium Trick

Do you know where flowers come from? Watch this video to find out.

There is a lot of research done behind flowers, but not everyone knows it. This video tells the story behind flower's research and development and its origins.

Give Beauty

Gypsophila Mirabella, Aster Julie Rose, Stock Chanter Blue, Sunflower Cooper, Stock Chanter Red

IFD Flower Trends Forecast 2020 with Ball SA

Black Tie + Barefoot Trend. Featuring moody colors and soft, feminine textures to evoke the romantic sense of bohemian style with sophistication.

Toast to color

Lisianthus ABC Purple, Lisianthus Flare Pink, Stock Chanter Antique Rose, Stock Quarter Purple

Tutorial 1 - Mini Bouquet with Intrigue Teaches

Delphinium Posy Bouquet - On this episode, Sarah show us how to design a beautiful mini bouquet using Delphinium Spray Sunshine great for bridesmaids!

Tutorial 2 - Intrigue Teaches Delphinium Sunshine

In this episode, Sarah Campbell show us the versatility of the Delphinium Sunshine in a large Centerpiece.

Tutorial 3 - Delphinium Sunshine in a Headpiece by Intrigue Teaches

Find out the technique to create a stunning headpiece with Delphinium Sunshine!

Tutorial 4 - Delphinium Frog Centerpiece with Intrigue Teaches

Learn with Sarah how to design a smaller centerpiece with Delphinium Sunshine.

We Reap Hope for a Brighter Future

This is a time to care, it is a time to share, it is a time to be united as an industry for a blooming economy and never forgetting the most vulnerable that will be brighthen in their most delicate situations. UNITED WE CAN ACHIEVE MORE.